
Népdalkórusok III (Folksong Choir Pieces III)

genre secular
composed for mixed choir
lyricist folksong
publication status in print
publisher's web page http://www.kotta.info/hu/product/1176
ISMN 9790080011768
year 1952
ID 74
works in the collection A temetőkapu (The Cemetery Gate)
Elmennék a zölderdőbe (I Would Go into the Green Forest)
Ez a kislány gyöngyöt fűz (This Little Girl is Sewing Beads)
Hajnalozó (A Dawn Song)
Hej sárellő ()
János bácsi (Uncle John)
Komáromi kisleány (Little Girl from Komárom)
Népdalkánonok (Folk Song Rounds)
Vendégnóta (Guest Song)
Ablak alatt (Under the Window)
Béres vagyok (I am a Farm Hand)